Participants from Brazil:
Participant | Institution |
André Diniz de Oliveira | IFSUDESTE MG |
Bruno Vieira Bertoncini | UFC |
Fernando Paulo Caneschi | IFSUDESTE MG |
Francisco Gildemir Ferreira da Silva | UFC |
Hugo Miguel Varela Repolho | PUC RIO |
Igor Baria | METRO SP |
José João Pires de Oliveira Filho | USP |
Leise Kelli de Oliveira | UFMG |
Marlova Grazziotin Johnston | UFRGS |
Paola Gonzalez Ramos | UNICAMP |
Renata Lúcia Magalhães de Oliveira | CEFET MG |
Verônica Teixeira Franco Castelo Branco | UFC |
Vinicius Kaster Marini | NOV FLEXIBLES |
Rômulo César Carvalho de Araújo | IFPE-RECIFE |
Philipe Pacheco | IFSUDESTE MG (self funded) |
Rodrigo de Alvarenga Rose | UFES (self funded) |
Participants from UK:
Participant | Institution |
John Drake | Queen Mary University of London |
Jonathan Powell | NewRail, Newcastle University |
Tianni Wang | Liverpool John Moores University |
Marcelo Blumenfeld | University of Birmingham |
Thiago Guimarães | University of Leeds |
Konstantinos Ampountolas | University of Glasgow |
Nathan Darroch | University of Aberdeen |
Luis Oliveira | University of Warwick |
Nicholas Gould | Manchester Metropolitan University |
Maria Triantafyllou | Coventry University |
Paul Hodgson | self funded (TBC) |