Theme of the Workshop
How the Railways contribute to improving quality of life?
This rail-orientated workshop will intensify collaboration through development of links in rail transport between the UK and Brazil. Specifically it will discuss the role and the development of rail transport services in the partner country. Rail research developments implemented in the UK have the potential to contribute to the economic development and social welfare of Brazil, if they were transferred properly and applied accordingly to meet the needs for transporting of freight and people in Brazil.
Brazil with its territorial dimensions will benefit greatly from a reliable and integrated rail system, making it possible for freight to circulate efficiently without causing damages to the environment and helping different categories of populations to comfortably travel between regions and with cities.
The positive impact on the environment and quality of life is apparent. The development and implementation of sustainable railway services in Brazil will contribute to the daily mobility of people and their productivity as it will tackle efficiently the congestion phenomenon on Brazilian highways. (200 km congestion has been recently recorded in the region of Sao Paulo).
The implementation of sustainable policies and practices for developing top quality rail systems and technologies throughout Brazil will contribute to less accidents on the highways, efficient energy consumption and reduction of emissions and chemical pollutants, hence life in Brazil will become safer, greener and healthier.
Particular interest will be given to safety on board followed by innovative solutions and technologies for optimised energy consumption and controlled emissions as we will look at optimal performance of diesel locomotives and other rail vehicles.
Best practices from the UK will be transferred to Brazil to encourage the sustainable development of rail in Brazil as UK has a lot to offer when it comes to efficient management of trains in busy rail networks.
Coordinators and mentors from Newcastle University and Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina will work closely with rail professionals and wider user to organise and delivery this rail orientated workshop, which will provide an excellent opportunity for early career researchers from the UK and Brazil to discuss rail and promote its wide implementation.